Open registration: For pupils, cadets & juniors + FULL

Playball Baseball Academy 2024

Edition 30th anniversary - 1995-2024  (2025 - 28/7 t/m 1/8)

Amsterdam - Loek Loevendie Ballpark BP Sports Center
22nd to 26th July 2024
DayCamp 09:00 - 18:00 + Night Program
Total days:
5 days total

The Playball Academy 2024 is FULL

You can register for the waiting list.

Register now

Start age Pup

For safety -and physical standards playing from regular pupils (from 10 yo) competition and basic baseball development is present. During the Academy Special Talent Clinic.

DayCamp - € 279

The cost for one week (DayCamp) Playball Academy including the complete baseball instructional day program, game equipment, lunch & drinks (during the day program), individual scouting advice for further development, certification and PBA shirt

With overnight Stay - + € 120

Including 5x nights, 5x breakfast, 5x lunch, 4x dinner, 1x BBQ, Academy shirt, etc.

Bank acc IBAN:
NL69 RABO 0107103109 / BIC RABONL2U
t.n.v. A.M.T. Crouwel / o.v.v. PBA24 + name

The Finest In Professional Instruction!!

We use a limited enrollment, so be quick to ensure "personal attention".
Due to costs incurred, refund of the deposit within 4 weeks of the Academy date is not possible

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